The Selected Examples of the Microscale Chemistry Laboratory
                                                                 by Kazuko Ogino           Editor: Hiroshi Ogino

Part 1.  Electrochemistry
 Experiment 1.    Electrolysis of water and detonation of the evolved gas (detonating gas)
 Experiment 2.    Measurement of the volume of gases evolved by the electrolysis of water.
 Experiment 3.    Observation of the reactions occurring at electrodes by the electrolysis of Na2SO4, NaCl, and CuSO4 solutions
 Experiment 4.    Construction of Daniel cell
 Experiment 5.    Lead storage battery
 Experiment 6.    Fuel cell using H2 and O2 gases
Part 2.  Acids and bases
 Experiment 1.    pH titration curves
Part 3.  Ion exchange chromatography
 1. Concept of ion exchange chromatography
 2. Preparation of ion exchange columns
 Experiment 1.  Basic experiment on ion exchange chromatography
 Experiment 2.  Behavior (adsorption, complex formation, and elution) of Cu2+ ions on ion exchangers
 Experiment 3.  Complex formation and dissociation of Cu2+, Co2+, and Ni2+ ions in ion exchangers
References and Notes

Part 1.  Electrochemistry

  Experiment 1.    Electrolysis of water and detonation of the evolved gas (detonating gas)

a.    Principle
   In order to electrolyze water, the presence of an electrolyte is indispensable to carry the current in solution. 
   Sodium carbonate is used as the electrolyte in this experiment.
    The electrode reactions can be expressed as follow:

   Anode: 2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4e                  (1)
   Cathode: 2H2O + 2e → 2OH + H2           (2)

 Hence the overall cell reaction is the decomposition of water.

 Overall cell reaction: 2H2O → O2 + 2H2           (3)

b.    Equipments and reagents
  12 well microplate
  Disposable plastic pipet
  Nine volt dry cell
  Pin (2)
  Saturated Na2CO3 solution
  Soap solution

c.    Experiment
     A plastic pipet is filled with saturated Na2CO3solution. 
 Then, two pins which are served as the electrodes are pierced into the pipet at its shoulder (see Figure 1.1). 
 The pipet is placed in a well of the plastic microplate.  Soap solution is poured into another well. 
 The open end of the pipet is immersed into the soap solution. 
 The electrodes are connected to a 9 V dry cell. 
 Generation of gas is observed at each electrode. 
 The evolved gas (detonating gas) forms bubbles at the surface of the soap solution.  Ignite the bubbles. 
 You will observe the detonation with very loud sound. 

d.    Comments
  Before ignition, inform the start of ignition to your neighbors.
  This experiment is a modification of the method described in reference 1. 

                           Figure 1.1
                       The assembly for the electrolysis of water

Experiment 2.    Measurement of the volume of gases evolved by the electrolysis of water2)

a.    Principle
 Principle of the electrolysis of water is explained in Experiment 1. 
 In that experiment, the gases evolved at anode (O2) and cathode (H2) are mixed and led to the soap solution. 
 In the Experiment 2, the gases evolved at anode and cathode are collected separately and each volume is measured.

b.    Equipments and reagents
 12 well microplate
 One mL tuberculin syringe with disposable stopcock (2)
 2.5 mL syringe
 Plastic stopcock (2)
 Well cover (plastic board with two holes.  See Figure 1.2)
 Nine volt dry cell
 Pin (2)
 Saturated Na2CO3 solution

       Figure 1.2
      Plastic board with two holes for well cover

c.    Experiment
 A Hoffman-type electrolytic cell is constructed with two 1 mL syringes, disposable stopcocks and a 12 well microplate: 
 The plastic board is placed on a well of a 12 well microplate. 
 Two 1 mL syringes without plungers are inserted into the two holes of the well cover.
 Pins are pierced into the syringes at the graduation mark of 0.80 mL. 
 The pins serve as the electrodes. 
 Disposable stopcocks are connected on the tip of the syringes, see Figure 1.3.

         Figure 1.3
        Microscale Hoffman apparatus for electrolysis of water

 2.5 mL of saturated Na2CO3solution is added into the well.
 Connect a 2.5 mL syringe to one disposable stopcock and the plunger of the syringe is pulled so that the 1 mL syringe is filled with Na2CO3 solution. 
 The stopcock is then closed and the 2.5 mL syringe is removed. 
 The other 1 mL syringe is also filled with Na2CO3solution in a similar way. 
 The electrodes are connected to a 9 V dry cell and electrolysis is started. 
 Observe the bubbles formed at both electrodes and measure the volume of gases formed at both anode and cathode. 
 It is expected from equation (3) that the volume of gas formed at cathode is twice as much as that formed at the anode.

d.    Comments
 An ordinary Hoffman apparatus costs more than $100 and is fragile as well as difficult to handle. 
 More than 500 mL of solution is often necessary. 
 On the other hand, the microscale Hoffman apparatus used in the present experiment is extremely cheap and only 2.5 mL of solution is necessary.

Experiment 3.    Observation of the reactions occurring at electrodes
                                 by the electrolysis of Na2SO4, NaCl, and CuSO4 solutions 3)

a.    Principle
 The electrolysis of Na2SO4 solution results in the same electrode reactions as that of Na2CO3 solution (see equations (1) and (2)). 

             Anode: 2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4e                  (4)
   Cathode: 2H2O + 2e → 2OH + H2           (5)

 It is expected that the vicinity of anode becomes acidic and that of cathode, alkaline.  The overall cell reaction is the decomposition of water (equation (3)):
   2H2O → O2 + 2H2 

        In the electrolysis of NaCl solution, Cl- ions which are oxidized easier than water exist in the solution so that the following electrode reaction occurs at anode:
   2Cl → Cl2 + 2e
  Chlorine is a strong oxidant and one of strong bleaching agents.
 In the electrolysis of CuSO4 solution,  Cu2+ ions which are reduced easier than water exist in the solution so that the following electrode reaction occurs at cathode:
  Cu2+ + 2e → Cu

b.    Equipments and reagents
 12 well microplate
 Pencil lead (2)
 Well cover (plastic board with two holes and a slit)
 Three volt dry cell
 Filter paper (size: 20 x 10 mm)
 1.0 mol/L Na2SO4 solution
 Saturated NaCl solution
 1.0    mol/L CuSO4 solution
 Bromothymol blue indicator
 Food coloring solution

c.    Experiment
 Microscale electrolyses are carried out in 12 well microplate. 
 Carbon rods are used as both anode and cathode. 
 Add 2 mL of Na2SO4 solution into a well and 3 drops of bromothymol blue indicator into the corresponding well.
 Separate the well into two parts (the anode and the cathode compartments) with a piece of filter paper and connect the electrodes to a dry cell. 
 Observe the evolution of gas at the electrodes and the color change of the solution at the vicinity of the electrodes.*1 

 For the electrolysis of NaCl solution, two drops of food coloring solution are added. 
 Observe the evolution of gas at the electrodes, smell, and color change of the solution.*2 
 The smell of chlorine will be recognized in 10 seconds.

 It is expected that for the electrolysis of CuSO4 solution deposition of the copper metal on the cathode and evolution of gas at the anode
    are observed immediately after the beginning of electrolysis.*3

  *1  As equations (4) and (5) show, it is expected that the anode compartment is strongly acidic, while the cathode compartment is strongly basic
    after the electrolysis.
  *2  It will be observed that food coloring dye is bleached by chlorine.
  *3  If the CuSO4 solution is replaced by AgNO3 solution and ZnSO4 solution, the corresponding metal is deposited on the cathode.

d.    Comments
    The use of the following sheet (Sheet 1) would be also convenient.

 *1  As equations (4) and (5) show, it is expected that the anode compartment is strongly acidic, while the cathode compartment is strongly basic after the electrolysis.
 *2  It will be observed that food coloring dye is bleached by chlorine.
 *3  If the CuSO4 solution is replaced by AgNO3 solution and ZnSO4 solution, the corresponding metal is deposited on the cathode.

d.    Comments
The use of the following sheet (Sheet 1) would be also convenient.


             Sheet 1

Experiment 4.    Construction of Daniel cell4)

a.    Principle
 Any spontaneous redox reactions can be used to construct electrochemical cells.  In Daniel cell, the following redox reaction is used:

   Cu2+ + Zn → Cu + Zn2+

    Figure 1.4 shows the diagram of the Daniel cell using porous barrier.
    Figure 1.4  Daniel cell using porous barrier

    The unglazed earthenware which separates anode and cathode compartments allows a migration of ions, but prevents mixing of ZnSO4 and CuSO4 solutions. 
 In this experiment, a cellulose dialysis tube which is semi permeable membrane is used in place of unglazed earthenware.

b.    Equipments and reagents
 12 well microplate
 Well cover (plastic board with two holes and a slit)
 Filter paper
 Cellulose dialysis tube
 Cu metal strip (size: 7 x 30 mm)
 Zn metal strip (size: 7 x 30 mm)
 1.0 mol/L ZnSO4 solution
 1.0 mol/L CuSO4 solution
 1.0 mol/L Na2SO4 solution

c.    Experiment
    Five cm strip of the dialysis tube is made wet with water and one end of the tube is closed by making a knot to form a bag. 
 Place 1 mL of 1.0 mol/L CuSO4 solution in one well and 1 mL of 1.0 mol/L ZnSO4 solution in the bag. 
 Place the bag in the well containing CuSO4 solution. 
 Insert a copper metal strip in the CuSO4 solution and zinc metal strip in the ZnSO4 solution in the bag, respectively. 
 Clip electrical leads to Cu and Zn electrodes. 
 The opposite ends of the leads are connected to the voltmeter or some other electronic devices (a device playing melody, dc motor, and etc.)
 to check electromotive force (see Figure 1.5). 

             Figure 1.5
           Daniel cell using cellulose dialysis tube

d.   Comments
    It is possible to replace the cellulose dialysis tube with the salt bridge made of a strip of filter paper: 
 In one well of the 12 well plate, 2 ml of CuSO4 solution is placed, and in a neighboring well, 2 mL of ZnSO4 solution is placed. 
 The two wells are connected with a salt bridge: a strip of filter paper (10 mm x 40 mm) that is made wet with 1 mol/L Na2SO4 solution.
  Insert a strip of copper metal in the CuSO4 solution and zinc metal strip in the ZnSO4 solution. 
 Clip electrical leads to Cu and Zn electrodes. 
 The opposite ends of the leads are connected to the voltmeter or some other electronic devices to check electromotive force (see Figure 1.6). 
            Figure 1.6
           Daniel cell using a salt bridge (a filter paper moistening with 1 mol/L Na2SO4 solution

Experiment 5.    Lead storage battery4)

a.    Principle
 Lead storage battery consists of Pb anode and PbO2 cathode. 
 The electrodes are immersed in an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid. 
 When the cell is discharging, the following electrode reactions occur:

        Cathode:  PbO2 (s) + HSO4(aq) + 3H+(aq) + 2e− →  PbSO4 (s) + 2H2O(l)
        Anode:  Pb (s)+ HSO4(aq) → PbSO4 (s)  + H+(aq) + 2 e−
        Overall cell reaction:  Pb (s) + PbO2 (s)  + 2 H+(aq) + 2 HSO4(aq)
                                          → 2 PbSO4 (s) + 2 H2O(l)

 Therefore, anode and cathode are converted to a common product PbSO4 during discharging.

b.    Equipments and reagents
 12 well microplate
 Strip of metallic lead (2)
 9 volt dry cell
 3.0 mol/L H2SO4 solution

c.    Experiment
 Two mL of sulfuric acid solution is poured into a well of a 12 well plate. 
 Two strips of metallic lead are placed in the well. 
 The lead strips are connected to terminals of a 9 V dry cell. 
 The electrolysis is carried out for two min.  PbO2 is formed at the anode. 
 Now, the lead storage battery is prepared.   
 The dry cell is disconnected and the electrodes are connected to a voltmeter or some other electronic devices to detect the electric current. 
 The battery can be recharged by connecting it to a 9 V dry cell.  Discharging and charging can be repeated.

Experiment 6.    Fuel cell using H2 and O2 gases5)

a.    Principle
 In Experiment 3, it is shown that the electrolysis of Na2SO4 solution gives H2 and O2
    During the electrolysis, parts of the H2 and O2 evolved are adsorbed in the electrodes (carbon rods). 
 If the dry cell is replaced by a voltmeter, it will be found that the cell works as a battery. 
 The overall electrode reaction is the reverse reaction of the decomposition of water:

  2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

b.    Equipments and reagent
 12 well microplate
 Pencil lead (2)
 Well cover (plastic board with two holes)
 Three volt dry cell
 1.0 mol/L Na2SO4 solution

c.    Experiment
      Add 2 mL of Na2SO4 solution into a well of the 12 well plate. 
     Place a plastic board with two holes and insert carbon rod electrodes through the holes. 
 Connect the electrodes to a dry cell. 
    After about ten seconds, the dry cell is disconnected and the electrodes are connected to a voltmeter or some other electronic devices to detect the electric current.

d.    Comments
 In this experiment, pencil lead electrodes are also used for the electrolysis. 
 If the electrodes are replaced by stainless steel electrodes, does the cell work as the fuel cell after the electrolysis? 
 It is also interesting and instructive to examine after the electrolyses of NaCl solution whether the cell works as a fuel cell or not. 

Part 2.  Acids and bases

Experiment 1.    pH titration curves6)

a.    Principle
 Titration curves of some acids can be obtained easily by microscale experiments without pH meters, ordinary burets or pipets. 
 This experiment uses a 24 well plate, acid and base solutions in bottles equipped with droppers and pH test paper. 

b.    Equipments and reagents
 24 well plate
 Bottles equipped with droppers (10 to 30 mL)
 Universal pH test paper
 0.10     mol/L HCl solution
 0.10     mol/L CH3COOH solution
 0.10     mol/L NaOH solution

c.    Experiment
 In twelve wells in the first two rows of a 24 well plate, 8 drops of 0.10 mol/L HCl solution are delivered as indicated on the work sheet (Sheet 1). 
 Then, 0.10 mol/L NaOH solution is added to these wells; numbers of drops of NaOH solution are shown in the sheet. 
 Stir these wells by swaying the plate gently. 
 Read the pH of the solution in each well with universal pH indicator. 
 Record the pH on the work sheet (Sheet 2). 

    In the last two rows of the 24 well plate, 8drops of 0.10 mol/L CH3COOH solution are delivered as indicated on the Sheet 1. 
 Then, 0.10 mol/L NaOH solution is added to these wells, numbers of drops of NaOH solution are shown in the work sheet (Sheet 1). 
 Stir these wells by swaying the plate gently. 
 Read the pH of the solution in each well with universal pH indicator. 
 Record the pH on the work sheet (Sheet 2). 
          Sheet 1
         Addition of 0.10 mol/L NaOH solution to the acid solutions in the 24 well plate

                            Sheet 2
                           Relation between the addition of 0.10mol/L NaOH solution and pH
                              The pH values thus obtained are plotted against the number of drops of NaOH solution.

d.    Comments
 Through this experiment, the difference of titration curves of strong acid (in this case, HCl solution) and
 weak acid (in this case, CH3COOH solution) with strong base (in this case NaOH solution) can be shown. 
 Figure 2.1 shows one example of titration curves.
          Figure 2.1
        Relation between pH values and number of drops of 0.10 mol/L NaOH solution
        to 8 drops 0.10 mol/L HCl solution and 8 drops of 0.10 mol/L CH3COOH solution

Part 3.  Ion exchange chromatography

 1.    Concept of ion exchange chromatography

   Ion exchange chromatography is a method frequently used to separate and purify various ions.  Although many kinds of ion exchangers are known, in the present experiments, SP-Sephadex is used as the cation exchanger and QAE-Sephadex, as the anion exchanger.  These ion exchangers are white materials, so that the colored species can be seen very easily and clearly.  These are cross-linked dextran matrix bearing functional groups for ion exchange.  Their types and functional groups are shown in Table 1.  The functional groups are covalently attached to glucose units.  Dry exchangers are white powder, which swell considerably upon the addition of water or aqueous salt solutions to give slurry.


    To see the function of cation exchanger, let us consider the SP-Sephadex of Na+ form.  First of all, slurry of SP-Sephadex ion exchanger in pure water is poured to the column.  If KCl solution is added to the column, pure water which occupies the void volume of the exchanger runs out from the bottom end of the column.  If further KCl solution is added to the column, NaCl solution runs out, since K+ ions replace Na+ ions in SP-Sephadex.  After all Na+ ions in the SP-Sephadex are replaced by K+ ions, KCl solution runs out and SP-Sephadex is converted from Na+ form to K+ form.  KCl solution in the void volume of the exchanger can be removed by pouring water into the column.  Divalent cations are held more strongly than monovalent cations, since the interaction between sulfonate groups and cations is mainly electrostatic.
    When we use Cl form of QAE-Sephadex exchanger, chloride ions are replaced by other anions.  If Na2SO4 solution is added to the column of QAE-Sephadex exchanger of Cl form, water runs out from the bottom end of the column.  Then, NaCl solution runs out and finally Na2SO4 solution will run out.  QAE-Sephadex is completely converted from Cl form to SO42- form.

2.    Preparation of ion exchange columns

    In the present experiments, one mL of disposable plastic syringe without the plunger (syringe barrel) is used for the chromatography column.  The syringe is placed on a test tube which acts as reservoir of eluate (Figure 3.1).  No stand is necessary to hold the columns.  A test tube stand is used to hold the assembly shown in Figure 3.1.  A piece of small round filter paper is placed on the bottom of the column.  This filter paper can be made using a punch.  A small cotton ball can be also used in place of the filter paper.  Slurry of SP-Sephadex or QAE-Sephadex ion exchanger is poured to the column to be approximately 0.5 mL of bed volume.  The ion exchanger bed is rinsed with pure water before experiment.

           Figure 3.1
          Ion exchange chromatography column by use of 1 mL syringe barrel

Experiment 1.  Basic experiment on ion exchange chromatography7)

a.    Equipments and reagents

   Na+-form SP-Sephadex column (1)
   Cl-form QAE-Sephadex column (1)
   Test tube (6)
   0.05 mol/L H2SO4 solution
   2 mol/L NaCl solution
   0.05 mol/L BaCl2 solution
   Universal pH test paper

b-1.    Experiment using 0.05 mol/L H2SO4 solution and SP-Sephadex column

 Three drops of 0.05 mol/L H2SO4 solution are loaded on an SP-Sephadex column. 
 The eluate is collected in a test tube (A). 
     0.5 mL of water is added to the column. 
 The eluate is collected in a test tube (B). 
    Further 0.5 mL of water is added to the column. 
 The eluate is collected in a test tube (C). 
 Measure pH values of the eluates A, B, and C with pH test paper. 
 Observe the reactions of the eluates A, B, and C with 0.05 mol/L BaCl2 solution.*1

 Regenerate SP-Sephadex ion exchanger by the procedure as follows: 
 Rinse the column twice with 1 mL of 2 mol/L NaCl solution and then, three times with 1 mL of water.

b-2.    Experiment using 0.05 mol/L H2SO4solution and QAE-Sephadex column

 Similar experiments to b-1 are repeated by use of the QAE-Sephadex column. 
 Eluates are collected in test tubes and named D, E, and F. 
 Measure pH values of the eluates D, E, andF. 
 Observe the reactions of the eluates D, E, and F with 0.05 mol/L BaCl2 solution.*2
 The exchanger is regenerated by the procedure as shown in b-1.
 The results may be summarized as shown in Scheme 1. 
 Explain the results.



c.    Comments

 *1        With the addition of 0.05mol/L H2SO4 solution to the column of SP-Sephadex, Na+ ions in the exchanger
    are replaced by H+ ions.  Na2SO4 solution is eluted from the column.
 *2        With the addition of 0.05 mol/L H2SO4 solution to the QAE-Sephadex column (Cl form), Cl ions
    in the exchanger are replaced by SO42- ions.  NaCl solution is eluted from the column.


Experiment 2.    Behavior (adsorption, complex formation, and elution) of  Cu2+ ions on ion exchangers7)

a.    Equipments and reagents

  Na+-form SP-Sephadex column (1)
  Cl-form QAE-Sephadex column (2)
  Test tube (4)
  Universal pH test paper
  0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution
  0.1 mol/L NaCl solution
  2 mol/L NaCl solution
  0.05 mol/L BaCl2 solution
  1 mol/L NH3 solution
  4 mol/L NH3 solution
  0.1 mol/L HCl solution
  0.2 mol/L EDTA solution (Na2H2edta, where H4edta denotes ethylenediamine- tetraacetic acid).
b-1.    Experiment using 0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution and SP-Sephadex column

 Three drops of 0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution are loaded on the SP-Sephadex column. 
 Observe the color of the exchanger.  Record which part of the column has color.
 0.5 mL of water is added to the column. 
 The eluate is collected in a test tube (A). 
 Measure pH value of the eluate A.
 Observe the reaction of the eluate A with 0.05 mol/L BaCl2 solution.*1
 Five drops of 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution are added to the column and observe the colored band.  0.5 mL of water is added
  to the column. 
 Add five drops of 2 mol/L NaCl solution and observe the elution behavior of the band, (flow rate of the colored band)
  and compare the flow rate with that at the time when five drops of 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution were added.
 Add 0.5 mL of 2 mol/L NaCl solution to the column and collect the eluate of the fraction of blue species in a test tube B
 Add 1 mL of 4 mol/L NH3 solution to the eluate B and observe the color of the solution.*2
 Regenerate the exchanger by the procedure as mentioned above.

b-2.   Experiment using 0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution and QAE-Sephadex column

 Three drops of 0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution are loaded on the QAE-Sephadex column. 
 Record which part of the column has blue color. 
 Observe the elution behavior of the blue band.
 One mL of water is added to the column. 
 Collect the eluate of blue part to a test tube, C.

 *3  Measure pH value of the eluate C
 0.05 mol/L BaCl2 solution is added to half of the eluate C and observe the reaction. 
 To the rest of the eluate C, 1 mL of 4 mol/L NH3 solution is added and observe the color change.
 Regenerate the exchanger as mentioned above.

b-3.    Experiment on copper(II)-EDTA complex using SP-Sephadex column

 Three drops of 0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution are loaded on the SP-Sephadex column. 
 Rinse the column with 0.5 mL of water.  Then, 4 drops of 1 mol/L NH3 solution are added. 
 Observe the color of the band.*4
 Rinse the column with 0.5 mL of water to remove NH3 solution from the column. 
 Three drops of 0.2 mol/L EDTA solution are added to the column to form Cu(II)-EDTA complex ([Cu(edta)]2-). 
 Observe the elution behavior of the colored band.*5 
    0.5 mL of water is added to the column and collect the fraction of Cu(II)-EDTA complex D in a test tube.
 Regenerate the exchanger by the procedure as mentioned above.

b-4.    Experiment on copper(II)-EDTA complex using QAE-Sephadex column

 Provide two QAE-Sephadex columns. 
 Half of the solution D is poured into a QAE-Sephadex column. 
 The blue species ([Cu(edta)]2-) will be adsorbed at the top of the column. 
 After the column is washed with three drops of water, 5 drops of 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution are added. 
 Observe the elution behavior of the blue species which may descend slowly downward. 
 After the column is washed with 3 drops of water, 5 drops of 2 mol/L NaCl solution are added to the column. 
 Observe the elution behavior of the blue species. 
 The flow rate of the band may be greater than that by the elution with 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution. 
 Two mol/L NaCl solution (0.5 mL) is further added to the column. 
 Measure the time from the initial addition of 2 mol/L NaCl solution to the completion of the elution of [Cu(edta)]2-.

 The rest of the solution D is poured into another QAE-Sephadex column. 
 After the column is washed with 3 drops of water, 5 drops 0.1 mol/L HCl solution are added. 
 Observe the elution behavior of the blue band.  0.1 mol/L HCl solution is further added to the column. 
 Measure the time from the initial addition of elution of 0.1 mol/L HCl solution to the completion of elution of the blue band.*6
   QAE-Sephadex ion exchanger is regenerated by the procedure as mentioned above.

  c.    Comments

 *1        Na+ ions in the SP-Sephadex are replaced by Cu2+ ions, so that Na2SO4 solution is eluted. 
 *2        The addition of NH3 solution to the eluate B causes the formation of deep blue [Cu(NH3)4]2+ species.
 *3        Cu2+ ions have no affinity toward QAE-Sephadex exchanger, and can be eluted by water. 
 *4        Cu2+ ions are adsorbed at the top of the column.  If NH3 solution is added to the column, [Cu(NH3)4]2+ complex
             ions are formed at the same position in the column as the Cu2+ ions are adsorbed. 
 *5        [Cu(NH3)4]2+ complex ions can be converted to [Cu(edta)]2-complex with EDTA solution. 
            The complex has negative charge, so that the band has no affinity toward the ion exchanger and can be removed from
             the column with water. 
 *6        Addition of HCl solution causes dissociation of [Cu(edta)]2- complex:
                       [Cu(edta)]2- + nH+ → Cu2+ + Hnedta(4 -n)-

 The degree of dissociation depends on the acidity of the solution. 
 Under the present experimental conditions, [Cu(edta)]2- adsorbed at the top of the column can be easily eluted with 0.1 mol/L HCl
  solution, since [Cu(edta)]2- dissociates almost completely to Cu2+.

Experiment 3.  Complex formation and dissociation of Cu2+, Co2+, and Ni2+ ions
                          in ion exchangers8)

  a.    Preparation of ion exchange column

 One mL of disposable plastic syringe barrel as shown above may be used for this experiment. 
 However, the use of larger column (150 mm x φ8 mm) is recommended for improving visibility (Figure 3.2). 


 A small cotton ball is placed at the narrow neck of the column end. 
 In this case, approximately 2 mL of ion exchanger is packed in the column. 
 It is not necessary to attach the stopcock, since air does not penetrate into the exchanger bed at least within 24 hours. 

  b.    Equipments and reagents

    SP-Sephadex column (Na+ form) (2)
    QAE-Sephadex column (Cl form) (2)
        0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution
        0.05 mol/L CoSO4 solution
        0.05 mol/L NiCl2 solution
        4 mol/L NH3 solution
        0.2 mol/L EDTA (Na2H2edta) solution
        3% H2O2 solution
        0.12 mol/L NaCl solution
  2 mol/L NaCl solution
  0.10 mol/L HCl solution

  c-1.    Experiment using SP-Sephadex column

 c-1-1.    Formation of copper(II)-EDTA complex

 0.5 mL of 0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution is added to an SP-Sephadex column. 
 Cu2+ ions are adsorbed at the top of the column (Figure 3.2). 
 The column is washed with 0.5 mL of water. 
 Then, 0.5 mL of 4 mol/L NH3 solution is added to the column. 
 The top of the column will show deep blue color, since [Cu(NH3)4]2+ complex ions are formed and remain at the top of the column
   (Figure 3.2). 
 After the column is washed with 0.5 mL of water, 0.5 mL of 0.2 mol/L EDTA solution is added to the column to form copper(II)-EDTA
   complex ([Cu(edta)]2-). 
 The ion exchanger cannot adsorb the complex ions, since the complex ions bear negative charge. 
 The complex ions move downward as a very broad band. 
 Water is added to the column, the fraction of the deep blue band is collected as eluate A
 The column is regenerated with 2 mol/L NaCl solution and washed with sufficient amount of water.

   c-1-2.    Formation of cobalt(II)-EDTA complex

 By use of 0.05 mol/L CoSO4 solution instead of 0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution, similar experimental procedures to those of c-1-1
  are repeated. 
 When 0.5 mL of 0.05 mol/L CoSO4 solution is added to the column, a pink band appears at the top of the column. 
 When 0.5 mL of 4 mol/L NH3 solution is added to the column, the color of the adsorbed band changes immediately from pink to blue
  and then gradually to brown.*1 
 When 0.5 mL of 0.2 mol/L EDTA solution is added to the column, the adsorbed cobalt species give pale reddish violet cobalt(II)-EDTA
   complex ions ([Co(edta)]2-) which move downward.*2 
 The column is washed with water and the reddish violet fraction is collected (eluate B). 
 The column is regenerated with 2 mol/L NaCl solution and water as described in c-1-1.

 c-1-3.    Formation of nickel(II)-EDTA complex

 By use of 0.05 mol/L NiCl2 solution instead of 0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution, similar procedures to those of c-1-1 are repeated. 
 When o.5 mL of 0.05 mol/L NiCl2 solution is added to the column, a pale green band of Ni2+ appears at the top of the column. 
 Addition of 0.5 mL of 4 mol/L NH3 solution causes the color change of the adsorbed band from pale green to blue. 
 Addition of 0.2 mol/L EDTA solution results in formation of deep blue [Ni(edta)]2- complex ions and this fraction is collected
  as eluate C.

 c-1-4.    Preparation of a mixture of [Cu(edta)]2-and [Co(edta)]2-

 When 0.4 mL of 0.05 mol/L CuSO4 solution and 0.2 mL of 0.05 mol/L CoSO4 solution are mixed, almost colorless solution is obtained.   
    Addition of this solution to the column does not show any color in the exchanger bed. 
 However, when 0.5 mL of 0.2 mol/L EDTA solution is added to the column, a deep bluish violet band appears due to the formation
  of  [Cu(edta)]2- and [Co(edta)]2- complexes which can be eluted with water.
    The eluate is named as D.*3

 c-1-5.    Oxidation of [Co(edta)]2- to [Co(edta)] by H2O2 solution

 0.2 mL of 3% H2O2 solution is added to the eluate D
 The solution is heated in a boiling water bath (a 50 mL conical beaker) for 10 min. 
 Observe the color change of the solution.  It will be recognized that the color is considerably strengthened (solution E). 
 For eluate A and B, repeat similar experiments with 3% H2O2 solution. 
 It will be shown that [Cu(edta)]2- does not undergo any reaction, while [Co(edta)]2- undergoes oxidation to [Co(edta)].*4

c-2.    Experiment using QAE-Sephadex

 c-2-1.    Separation of the mixture of [Cu(edta)]2- and [Co(edta)] (solution E) with NaCl solutions

 Half of the solution E is added to a QAE-Sephadex column which is then washed with 0.5 mL of water. 
 The adsorbed species are eluted with 0.12 mol/L NaCl solution. 
 The reddish violet band ([Co(edta)]) moves downward faster than the blue band ([Cu(edta)]2-).*5 
 The fraction of [Co(edta)] is collected.

 c-2-2.    Separation of the mixture of [Cu(edta)]2 - and [Co(edta)] (solution E) with HCl solutions

 The rest of the solution E is added to another QAE-Sephadex column. 
 The complexes are adsorbed at the top of the column which is washed with 0.5 mL of water. 
 When 0.10 mol/L HCl solution is added to the column, the band is separated into a blue band and a reddish violet band. 
 The blue band (Cu2+) moves downward faster than the reddish violet band ([Co(edta)]). 
 The fraction of blue band is collected. 
    Then, the fraction of reddish violet band is eluted and collected with 2 mol/L NaCl solution.*6

d    Comments

 *1    Although the reaction of Co2+ with NH3 solution is complex, major products are cobalt(II) hydroxide, cobalt(II)-ammine
   complexes, and dioxygen complex ([Co(NH3)5O2Co(NH3)5]4+). 
 *2    Upon the addition of excess EDTA solution, the cobalt(II) products are completely converted to [Co(edta)]2-.
 *3    The color of Cu2+ and that of Co2+ are complementary. 
   If CuSO4 and CoSO4 solutions are mixed with an appropriate ratio, almost colorless solution is obtained. 
   When the colorless solution is poured into the SP-Sephadex column, ion exchanger is also colorless. 
   However, when EDTA solution is added, a deep bluish violet color appears brilliantly in the exchanger. 
   This experiment is useful to teach the relation of complementary color and also can attract student’s interest.
 *4    Hydrated ion, Co2+, cannot be oxidized with H2O2 solution. 
   However, [Co(edta)]2- is easily oxidized with H2O2 solution to give deep reddish violet [Co(edta)] complex.
 *5        Mono-negatively charged species [Co(edta)] is eluted much easier than di-negatively charged species [Cu(edta)]2-
   with 0.12 mol/L NaCl solution.
 *6    Upon addition of 0.10 mol/L HCl solution, substitution-labile [Cu(edta)]2- dissociates rapidly to Cu2+ and the ligand.
    Positively charged Cu2+ ions cannot be held in the QAE-Sephadex exchanger. 
   Therefore, [Cu(edta)]2- adsorbed in the QAE-Sephadex can be very easily eluted with 0.10 mol/L HCl solution. 
   On the other hand, as [Co(edta)] is substitution-inert, the complex remains intact even in acidic HCl solution and
   is slowly eluted with 0.10 mol/L HCl solution. 
   As a result, [Cu(edta)]2- is eluted faster than [Co(edta)] with 0.10 mol/L HCl solution.

References and Notes

 1)  Ning Huai Zhou, “Six Microscale Chemistry Experiments with Wellplate 6,”
         in Microscale Experimentation for All Ages (P. Schwarz, M. Livneh, M. Hugerat eds.), Academic Arab College for Education, 2006.
 2)  Kazuko Ogino, Kagaku to Kyoiku (Chemistry and Education), 55, 82 (2007).
 3)  Kazuko Ogino and Shoji Keiko, Kagaku to Kyoiku (Chemistry and Education), 46, 742 (1998).
 4)  Kazuko Ogino and Shoji Keiko, Kagaku to Kyoiku (Chemistry and Education), 49, 712 (2001).
 5)  Kazuko Ogino, How can we attract students’ interest toward chemistry?,
         41st IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Abstract, S10O02, Turin, Italy. August 5, 2007.
 6)  Kazuko Ogino, Tomoko Tajima, Shoji Keiko and Kazuhiro Kon, Kagaku to Kyoiku (Chemistry and Education), 49, 348 (2001).
 7)  Kazuko Ogino and Hiromi Kumano, Kagaku to Kyoiku (Chemistry and Education), 50, 584 (2002).
 8)  Kazuko Ogino, Kagaku to Kyoiku (Chemistry and Education), 50, 771 (2002).
