モルデカイ・リブネ博士のプロフィール Mordechai Livneh, Ph.D. |
■ 所属: Department of Chemistry 化学科
Bar-Ilan University バール-イラン大学
■ 研究分野:物理有機化学 Research: Physical-Organic Chemistry
■ 化学科の行政職員として学部の化学実験主任を務めている.Administrative staff of the Department of Chemistry:
Coordinator of the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratories.
■ アミト.グッシュ ダン高等学校で化学を教えている.Teaching chemistry at the Amit-Gush Dan High School in Givat-Shmuel
■ Research Overview (研究の概要):
Research Interests 研究の関心
1)The Practical Side of Chemical Education in the Laboratory: Developing new experiments for undergraduates and updating them regularly. Special emphasis is placed on the “Microscale” approach, which has been successfully incorporated into some of the organic laboratories and into the General Chemistry Laboratory at BIU, and at other institutions.
2)A Special Three-year Project: Incorporation of “Microscale” experiments into the curriculum of chemistry studies at the high school level in Israel. (Sponsored by MALAM - The Science Teaching Center in Israel). Finished in 2003, and is now being distributed to high schools all over the country.
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